Cherith Cutestory

The podcast Swindled did an episode of the woman who led the WTC Survivors Support Network. It was interesting. There was a documentary on her that was following her to tell her story and then everyone found out about half-way through filming. But I haven’t gotten around to watching it yet.

That was my first thought! This is how your mom got lyme disease! Don’t you people ever learn?! 

There were just three rules and she still can’t keep them.

Yep, and that makes casual racism totally OK!

She never called a 12 year old a cunt. The Onion did that.

Quote from article before edited: “For the low, low price of $19.99, please to by my cutting board.”

I usually find Chrissy Tiegen fairly annoying and even in this her “poor me” act was a bit much. But, man, Alison Roman came off so poorly especially in her responses on Twitter.

He’s been open about chafing under the royal thumb since he was a kid. He was out there taking butt ass naked pics in Vegas. He spoke often about how he loved the military because it gave him a sense of purpose and escape from his family. He talked about how lonely he was in the royal family (which is also why he said

The fact that she has literally made her husband choose to leave the Royal Family says as much.

He’s not risking lives to break quarantine for Mindy Cohn.

I don’t want to be one of those online quarantine police people. It’s tiresome. But even Ben Affleck pretends to wear a mask in between smoke breaks. Why can’t Alia? I’m disappointed.

Yeah, it’s definitely the woman’s fault he stopped writing anything worthwhile. 

I have a small butcher/grocery store near me (which I hardly ever went to before, to my shame) and it’s just different. There are fewer people, for sure, but it’s such tight quarters that you tend to feel really jammed in near people.

I’m on the kids’ side here. They know it is delicious no matter what it looks like. Why not eat it?

The old chicken McNuggets were vastly superior. Bring back MSP! 

Eh, Houston approved means any queerness will be written out. No, thanks. 

I know! I love roasted cauliflower and I have zero interest in this dick. 

I said “or whatever.”

I sort of said the same thing below. I always found her rather generic and boring sort of attractive. (Although obviously on such another plane of attractive from myself that it’s hard to believe we are the same species.) And always thought her mother was a more interesting looking beautiful person.

Back in the day I always thought she was a very generic, boring sort of pretty. Not my type. (Her mother has a much more interesting attractive face, imo.)