Mr. Curtis

You can almost pick any three consecutive episodes of The Twilight Zone and they'll top anything you can come up with, but I'll go with "It's A Good Life", "Deaths-head Revisited", and "The Midnight Sun". 

*cries for Carter*

Just finished rewatching Person of Interest season 3, and there are quite a few 3-episode blocks I could pick from it.

I'm of the mind the best episode they ever did was Dance Dance Resolution so I'd vote for the first three episodes of Season Two. They seem to be accepting two parters

Glad someone else’s pick was Person of Interest! Just finished rewatching season 3 last night, and it is an excellent season of TV all the way around. 

The Devil’s Share is my favorite episode of POI, so I would go along with that

Person of Interest - Season 3, three episode arc: ep 8 ‘Endgame’, ep 9 ‘The Crossing’, epic 10 ‘The Devil’s Share’

I guess everyone is saving The Wire in case there is a Q&A on the strongest 60-episode run. 

The Good Place season 2 - Janet And Michael, Derek, Leap To Faith. You could also start an episode earlier with The Trolley Problem. Or do the first three episodes of that season, though that includes a two-parter.

No, LOST was much more satisfying.

Ozymandias, Granite State, and Felina from Breaking Bad’s final run. So much incredible acting, cinematography and direction, all wrapped in a satisfying conclusion to one of the best TV dramas of all time. 

I’ve been a bit perplexed at all the “Will they explain” headlines. I’ve felt like the show has shown everyones motives and issues pretty blatantly. I don’t know what twist’s you’re waiting for. I don’t understand the information you’re missing that has yet to be explained.

I wouldn’t think she’d have the skills to take on a new persona since she was still pretty new into her training so I don’t think she could make it on her own. She went back to Claudia’s apartment, but no one was there, which I figured meant Claudia was gone which makes sense because she seemed real miffed after

I am an unapologetic sucker for the first twenty years of U2 (Pop is a pretty good album with some of the best rock lyrics of all time, come at me) and “With or Without You” is one of my favorite songs, and yet it’s SO blatant that at first I questioned it’s use ... but then I got into it ... and then when they cut

“I would’ve worked in a factory.” [Pause] “Managed a factory.”

Welcome to the pain. This is how we know we’re in the Medium Place. We get TGP, but we only get 25 minutes of it a week.


I’m so happy for Mindy St. Clair!

So many good lines in this. I guess I’ll go with this.

Not just Derek.