
I would’ve at least expected Tim Ream to be caught out of position on this question.

Man, these comments are super disappointing - why are yall so adamant about sticking up for corporations? Are they paying you?

Let’s go over some things here:

1. Back in 2015, Uber and Lyft actually did pay a very nice wage. Remember all the fluff pieces backed by Uber and Lyft talking about drivers earning over 100K

The National > Wilco 

So, I work for a dental school and irony alert! My job is the reason I clench to the point of debilitating headaches and facial pain. I love my night guard. That damn fugly ungainly piece of plastic ended the headaches and is the best thing in the world. I am also convinced it is the reason I don’t have a full-blown

I’ve been waiting for the Schreier breakdown of how this fell apart far more than the game itself.

This same guy who was whining due to lag also immediately donated a solid 2k to an old acquaintance of his after finding out she had stage 4 cancer (something she had only just found out herself). The attention he gave her ended up in the rest of her hospital bills being paid off in full with change to spare because

Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies remains unbeaten in the genre for every reason you listed. It’s astounding that the game is over 17 years old. Ace Combat 4 and Crash Bandicoot (Wrath of Cortex) were the two games that came with the PS2 my dad bought for Christmas ‘01. I still have the PS2 and Ace Combat 4. The game is

If people ever complain about me plugging my book, I tell them to piss off, because I’ll always shamelessly plug the work I’m proud of - that’s the only way I’ll be able to get to do more work I’m proud of!

As the lone black hockey fan/player and Comedy Bang Bang fan in Upstate NY I can say there are ones of us.

It’s been an honor to work with Kirk for the past seven years. Kirk’s love of games and his desire to communicate about them with readers shines through his work. I’ve valued that a lot, but I’ve valued just as much, if not more, his love of writing good sentences and paragraphs. Anyone can write about video games,

Brands don’t create things, people do. Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky are two of the original creators of Fallout, which they made while working at Interplay. They’re both now at Obsidian and leading development on The Outer Worlds.

Go back to putting it in glass bottles and calling it Corona.

God I hate fortnight.

You’re no slouch yourself, Jason. ;)

Kirk, this is easily the best game review I’ve ever read, but also the best writing of any kind that I’ve read on this website. I enjoyed your creative narrative prose over the the technical trappings of FPS and otherdata.”

You know, this is a horseshit comment, and while your intentions are no doubt good, you appear to have forgotten where you’re aiming. This is Kotaku. We have our faults, but pulling punches ain’t one of them.

He says he’s doing it for parents and their kids. The fans he’s angered worry that he’s selling out. …

Sounds silly to some maybe, but I am replaying the Mass Effect Series. Just finished the Assault of Virmire in ME1. Kaiden is dead...Wrex lived. I don’t use either Ashley or Kaiden for anything, so I chose Kaiden to be the hero. Plus, if you listen to the guy and his story, he would rather go out that way.