
He clearly shoved that ump The Right Way™. Had he done it any other way it would be an ejection, suspension, and/or a fine.

“It’s a bigger conversation. If it bothers you, don’t join in.”

why cant we just have a good movie without everyone wanting some type of representation for their group of this or that or some conceived failure on someones part becuase it was thought that they should have included someones obscure or mainstream view on something.

You are married to a centauride? That is hot.

John Fox then proceeded to challenge the field goal, arguing that it was, in fact, a 49ers touchdown.

This is nit a good idea.

Well you know the old saying, Old Rich White Guys are Racist Assholes.

My brother chipped my tooth when we were teenagers because I was giving him crap while beating him in Diddy Kong Racing. But I got him back. I’m married with three kids, and all he has is that he’s dead from an automobile accident. I miss him, though.

That Redskins jersey guy is a deceptively good fighter. I would have liked to see more of what he could do on the ground. But he was not bad. in fairness, to the other guy, I’m not sure about his sobriety.

I wonder how many consecutive blowouts it will take for Packer fans, in all of their knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing glory, to swallow their pride and call for Kaep.

“Folks, but enough about my wife!”

I actually think he’d dust off the lifetime ban. And then mouth-breathers could be all, ‘Free Speech! First and/or Second Ammemmen!’, and then Trump would be all, ‘what about the black Nazis who won’t stand for the anthem what about them’?

I’m gonna order a custom jersey spelled “Trubinsky” just because.

This move is the GM equivalent to just shuffling some papers around on your desk to make it look a little cleaner.

100% on Fowler’s side here. No one likes a whiner, especially one who has comments about your driving. Maybe next time, instead of going up and actually trying to be a hero, he’ll do what the rest of us do; mutter under our breath and hope he dies in a fiery crash.

This is really one of those golden opportunities for me. I mean, what if I call and we really hit it off? I’m just saying what if MY call is the ONE CALL he answers out of thousands and we vibe. I feel like we would vibe, me and Jimmy Butler the professional basketball star. It would probably start slow. Like he’d

Jesus, if you get rattled from one of the most fundamental plays in baseball, then there’s only ONE WORD TO DESCRIBE YOU AND I’M GONNA SPELL IT OU—

the ideal outcome is that they both get knocked out.

“Guys, you really should’ve labeled this ‘NSFW.”

Maybe it’s because I have a degree in compsci and math, but I was really hoping this article would end with an actual number (“7 times per month”) based on the headline instead of a big wishy-washy “It depends”