
I always get a kick out of “news” like the Ripper stuff up top. Someone at a red carpet event or press junket asks an actor or actress if they’d be interested in reprising some role of theirs, and the next thing you know we have headlines going “Is There a New X Show/Movie in the Works?”

p sure you’re in the large minority on that view, bud.

Is that the mother from Caprica?! Oh god, all of this has happened before...

I found Assault on Arkham pretty enjoyable.

I keep hoping that one day the people who get paid to write articles either a) learn, or b) show the wherewithal to say, “It was wrong, but the punishment shouldn’t be life-changing.”

The following three things are true:
-I don’t abominate Charles Pulliam-Moore’s writing or journalistic style.
-I do, however, think

The question isn’t whether the Quintet can work in space (it probably can), it’s how does the Quinjet have enough propulsion and oxygen to not only escape Earth’s atmosphere but make it all the way to freaking Saturn.

If you went to McDonald’s for their nasty-ass chicken nuggets just to get some sauce because a cartoon character raved about it, you are one of the most gullible fools ever. You got played by a cartoon and a mega-corporation.

If you waited in line for hours to get said sauce, you have officially failed at life.

Thank the Maker!

Well, the problem with skipping a lot of the slower “traveling” moments is that you miss a lot of excellent character building and interactions when they just take a moment and talk. We barely have gotten any moments where the story slows down enough to let the characters breathe. So while the action has been stellar,

It is not about spoilers. It is about the fact that if you are going to tell me a joke, don’t start with the punchline.

You REALLY rather not, there were like two episodes I actually had fun with, the rest kind of felt like it was pulling teeth.

You fools! You’ve captured their stunt doubles!

That’s a bit of a stretch, surely?

I was sad when this show was cancelled. It wasn’t great but I thought it was adorably ridiculous.

Now playing

There are a couple of reasons why the Universal Dark Universe Extended Universe fails.

It’s a perfectly cromulent word.

It is so hella stupid that whoever came up with it is totes not on fleek.

They could do it in the 80's and 90's, they can do it today.

Just so you know, “Doof” is pronounced like “woof”. It’s the sound of thumping bass in douchebag cars, which we in Australia call “doof doof cars”.