
Ugh I am still seeing people claim that Bernie TOTALLY could have beat Trump if the DNC hadn’t hijacked his campaign. I won’t make any silly claim either way, but I also think it’s fair to be skeptical that a self-described socialist Jew who looks close to 100 and has limited ties and support to the party whose

Obama had more than zero scandals. VA and Fast and Furious come to mind but yes, he was pretty scandal-free as a president.

I voted for Hillary. I hate Trump. But I feel like dems are being fearmongering idiots about Trump. I can’t deal with the constant, “I can’t believe he’s doing all this!” and the Pollyanna Politicking. Trump is fulfilling his campaign promises. We had three months to read over his campaign PR and get familiar with the

I never thought I could be more mystified at how many people truly bought into the Berniebro thing, until now... because they are still fucking talking about Berniebros as if it had any effect at all. Jesus.

The Bernie Bro insult was particularly problematic as it is using gendered language in an election when she was condemning gendered insults. It removed a lot of the moral highground when this election ought to have been all about claiming the moral high ground. It was dumb. Worse, it was a dumb recycling of “Obama

Blaming everyone but the candidate who didn’t visit Michigan, release her speeches, stand with Standing Rock, and, yes, who lied in her emails about standing with workers against the Columbia Trade Pact while behind the scenes encouraging Senators to support it. Sorry babe. This is all on her. And the people who voted

Hopefully she doesn’t and you can all stop blaming those things that barely mattered.

Republicans won because they know how to look at a fucking map and show up to campaign where they can actually make a difference...that and voter suppression...

I’m an analyst. It’s right there in my job title “Senior Research Analyst”... I believe in evidence and the data to back it back. I have presented evidence to make my case. All you’ve presented is name calling and your opinion.

Shhhh..... They are never going to take responsibility for their part in this. They will stay righteously, indignantly petulant and unwilling to acknowledge the deep flaws in the establishment that will lie=kely be repeated because their hubris is more important than conceding anything. Be prepared for 8 years of

Reality check- the ones that voted for Bernie aren’t the ones that cost Hillary the election. Stop being butt hurt that Hillary lost. She was a horrible candidate and she is the reason we have Trump.

I voted for Clinton, but given hindsight, I should’ve voted for Stein. Maybe if enough people stopped voting for shitty candidates, they’d stop forcing them on us.