Not the woman in red in the front right giving the finger?
Not the woman in red in the front right giving the finger?
What I think Trump is trying to get at is....If Russia meddling in the election is such an issue why didn’t Obama, who knew as of June 2016, do nothing? Now that Trump won, the democrats are blaming collusion but Obama was the one who could have acted and tried to stop it.
its easier to make excuses than face the reality of the situation?
Seriously. I have to read each line 3 or 4 times to understand what he is saying. But, he wore me down, I give up. I have no idea what he is talking about.
If it happened to D’Angelo Barksdale with Avon in the same jail, it can happen to any prisoner.
I thought he was all about being unpredictable? He’s offering a lot of information on his personal blog.
I hope the two T-Rexs were married when they were scavenging for food together. If not, there was no way to stop them from rubbing their snouts together in an unholy union.
I hate Trump but I think the failure of the Health Care bill has to be at Paul Ryan’s feet. He’s had years to draft a bill to replace ACA and he failed to get the Republican majority to agree. This was Ryan’s baby and could not get it done. Trump looks bad but this is Ryan’s failure.
he would miss. Attempted murder at best.
Sure you can....that’s why I fired him because I was made aware of his dealings. I did not want his potential conflicts to impact my administration and once I was made aware he resigned on my behest.
I am not optimistic on that point. Manafort is an ideal scapegoat
It is when his past actions should have precluded him from winning R nomination and worse the general. I believe he’s an outlier.
Completely agree.
This is the first attempt at Health Care.. They will just amend and continue putting it up for a vote. This is far from over.
Very optimistic outlook. I hope you’re right but I don’t see it without a stronger push from R Congress and I don’t see that happening without ‘18 or ‘20 being impacted.
I consider the AHCA and a Trump impeachment completely separate issues.
If Congress feels their re election is in doubt they will act. If they believe that supporting Trump will help them get re elected they will ignore evidence.
I think you over estimating how much Republican voters care about this. If the voters are not pushing their Congressmen I doubt the GOP will push to discredit Trump. That is how f’d up this country is.
Even if the FBI decides to push for an indictment, Manafort will be the fall guy and Trump will continue destroying this country.
well color me surprised that a Trump nominee has issues with women! Who would’ve guessed?!?