
Rush hour = really slow and really fast.

That low horn from Sicario piped in and for such a small segment and I was confident we were finally getting the proper soundtracks in the US that they always reserved for the UK.

Yeah but that extra boredom pushed me to try and push the cars limits further. After I got it on two wheels one time I realized the limits were starting to push back and it was time to slow down.

Haha, you have no idea. Funnily enough though I drove the car with all the hatred it deserved and between it’s refusal to die (30,000 mile oil change intervals and all) and having a car I could drive WOT with tires squealing everywhere without getting a ticket I eventually ended up loving it.

If I can drive a ‘97 Ford Aspire three speed automatic in rush hour traffic on highways and surface streets and be a force to be reckoned with anybody can drive a Mazda 2 in the same.

I had no AC and my power steering had failed too but the car was so light it wasn’t an issue.

That was my first car! It’s the best. Instilled a love of small cars in me that will not give up no matter how much my wife hates it.

I shared a Facebook post on oppo regarding this. One of the events is listed as Scioto Trails which is a state Park between Chillicothe and Waverly that the old Sunriser400 ran through. So yeah, I’d say southeast Ohio is pretty much confirmed.

For those unaware Florida’s east coast doesn’t get waves like those on the Pacific coast so typically there’s not much good surfing. When the bad weather rolls in though the boards roll out and they try to get what waves they can.

I must have missed this.

P.S. - I hate you Kinja.

Why must you toy with

My wife and I got upset that our kids had to ride in another parents car for a field trip ten minutes from the school and they put on the dvd player for the kids. How will they learn to dream if they’re not staring out the window bored out of there mind on a 14 hour road trip?

This reminds me of my favorite field trip. My 3rd grade class was going to the zoo and for some reason or another I was not allowed on the bus. Because of this my dad had to take me in his Celica. Halfway there my dad’s Celica broke down on the side of the highway and as this was pre-cell phone days we had to walk for

Who would Jezza vote for if he could? I’m pretty sure I know the answer but I’d like to hear his explanation.

You think they may be buying McLaren just to have Ron run Apple?

I am more curious to see who they get to direct as the directors were always given top billing in the previous ones. I would like to see Denis Villeneuve direct one.

So, you guys just said the worst things possible so you could justify us all calling you idiots, right?

With love,
