Haslam: "Sherry, hold all my calls. IT'S A BANNER DAY!"
Haslam: "Sherry, hold all my calls. IT'S A BANNER DAY!"
99% right, except for the special effects on the autokilling machine.
This movie really didn't need to be remade. I watched the original a few months ago and it still holds up pretty well.
His best work, in my mind, was Soldier of Orange. Perfect mix of nationalism, cynicism, and some moments of absurdity.
I catch beers like a motherfucker, and I'm still an asshole.
He's proven himself on the field as SEC defensive player of the year, and he's got enough heart to be a team leader in the NFL. Just like he was at MU. He'll be great in the NFL. Team scouts and management would be beyond stupid to overlook that just because he's gay.
Anonymous NFL personnel may think it'll be a "distraction,"...
I wonder if the individual countries that make up the African continent ever get pissed that no one mentions them by name.
You know what..... Im not normally this much of an asshole
You took a major spill and owned up to it with class. Essentially, you are the complete opposite of British Petroleum. Kudos.
As the chick in this video, all I can say is that running in powder when there's no one else out at night is a shitload of fun. But stopping to pose for the local news station in the middle of the icy street hurts like a bitch. Glad it's as funny for everyone else as it was for us.
As the old adage goes;
SAGE: [Soars]
SAGE: [Flies unbelievably high]
SAGE: [Hangs in air for what seems like eternity]
SAGE: [Glides over all]
SAGE: [Feels time slow to a freeze]
SAGE: [Feels wave of quiet euphoria]
SAGE: [Almost touches heaven]
SAGE: God damn. I feel like... like... forever...
TECH 1: [Leaning in] What's he saying, there?
TECH 2:…
"I can see them from my house!"
Only if he was driving their bus.
next on ESPN2, "CrossSit"
It's all good. I'm just a defensive Clevelander.