
I believe the special process is called buffing.

“drag from sponsor logos”

It’s only going to get worse. Just wait till ALL of Trump’s america get their tax returns back;

Dwayne Johnson is in fact five Kevin Harts, joined together in a Voltron way.

2 Ju 2 Manji

You didn’t see 2manji?

random brawls and everyone has baby oil on

He’s got to leave some table scraps for Kevin Hart

I guess it’s a little too much to expect Dwayne Johnson to appear in every single movie ever released.

Oh God, that story about the person staring at the sun is nightmare fuel. 

All the gadgets go on his BELT, Justin, jeez 

I see that most media outlets need a clickbait (view-bait?) to get to have any Americans remotely interested in anything from Brazil or Latin America. So, some I’ll give you some facts (and some opinions) before using this generalist “Brazilian Trump” that people are so keen on:

Similar end results but for different reasons. People ask me how I can be an auto enthusiast (three cars on a collector insurance policy + daily drivers) and still be an environmentalist. Simple. The point is to get the damaging consumer masses who don’t care either way or have an opinion into cleaner cars. The

I’d want three things, reality be damned. 1) Medical Tech that can cure damn near everything, ala Star Trek or maybe Nanotechnology, 2) Food Tech that lets us grow unlimited amounts of food, both herbivorial(?) and carnivorial(?), essentially eliminating famine and the ecological impacts of farming, and 3) Clean

Reality be damned? Well I sure could use a teleportation device. I have a lot of friends all over the world that I’d like to see but funds only allow a few trips a year.

1) Sustained fusion power.

I want a world that has stopped using money and changes the focus of the human race to one where betterment of the people and the planet is the Goal.

Hum. Shouldn’t be too hard on the mechanical zoom. There was a study done on using Titanium Dioxide nanoparticles of specific height on silicon dioxide or poly-carbonate to create a flat lens (it can also be deposited on other materials, but these two are probably the best). The optical characteristics are very, very

You said that yesterday.

A planet that’s not warming up and a much cleaner environment.