just criticizing for the sake of bitching
just criticizing for the sake of bitching
I’m so tired of this lie. 1/3rd of the congressional black caucus and Senator Bernie Sanders were opposed to the “tough on crime” provision of the Crime Bill. That it hurt black communities was not a complete revelation 20 years later. Savy people who resisted the powerful political influence of the Clinton’s knew…
The problem with centrists and their compromises is, as the crime bill& their compromise on DADT proves, sometimes you end up ruining millions of lives for no good reason.
Their willingness to compromise on crime legislation was one of the worst parts of their centrism. I’ve always felt that way but it’s not about to stop me from voting for her, nor regret voting for him.
I’m happier dealing with pragmatic centrists who are willing to compromise and then come back to the table to work…
I did say “if she governs like her husband” elsewhere in the comments and as for Bill Clinton....
I’m glad there is finally some acknolwedgment here of criminal justice issues beyond police shootings. Unfortunately, Clinton has not acknowledged the prison strike (neither has Trump but I have no expectations of him). http://www.alternet.org/media/did-you-know-we-are-having-largest-prison-strike-history-probably-not…
But you can’t say anything bad about Hillary! The feelings of fragile white women are worth more than the lives of black people, didn’t you know?
Considering the hand the Clintons had in the mass incarceration of black men, three-strikes laws and the general “tough on crime” nonsense, I’m expecting the silence in the comments section is going to be deafening.