
Wow. That IS some craaaaazy interesting “science” they’re doing up there.

Really? This is your bit...? Have people become so ‘effing dipshitted dumb that we can’t figure out how to intuitively use the screen cap tool in the new firefox and worse, we need to look for our answers to life’s pressing issues here? Good Christ! We have SUCH problems. How about you delete this trite story of yours

Happily married for 20 years. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA .... suckahs!

My question is ...why does the media even BOTHER to show up to press briefings any more?!!! Stop punishing yourselves. Take a week off for christ sakes...give us ALL a break from the nonsense train~!


This is crap for a rationale. I taught my daughter to read when she was late 3 heading into 4. We used the Bob book series and they were GREAT. I can’t tell you how lovely it was to see the pride sweep across her face when she completed series 1, book 1 all by herself. We will never forget that moment. She took off

Good thing for me... had my daughter late and at 50, she’s just 9. My life, along with my 44 year old wife’s is full of creativity, thrill and purpose. I’m fortunate because of this, I know it and am grateful.

American astronauts are not whiny wusses and therefore do not need “fear” training.

The hell Sploid??? There used to be NEW CONTENT, sometimes upwards of three unique posts per day...sometimes more. Now? What. Bullshit stays up for DAYS on end. Anyone awake over there????

maybe not you.... but all us fans know. Of course. I mean. Duh...

Jesus, Kelly. Cranky? Bitter? Go get yourself some sex and calm down.

This is for YOU, Emma

“slaps”...? Hardly. Misleading is all this is

I can easily see this on a much more refined and larger scale as a installation... using smaller, more finely tuned, all stainless risers and spheres(bearings) with varying degrees of complexity written into the code. Something perhaps user defined in a museum setting. Possibilities are many!

super douche move.... wish I could find that schmuck and hit him in his face, really, really hard.

You don’t need to be conscious to realize that was intentional!. Are you kidding me?

Dumb. Waste of time, Emma. I’m sure your employers hoped for more from you.

Never took Björk for a nail biter.

Niggas can’t have it ALL ways. Chill out!

Some of these relationships were consensual, the source says, but “that’s still a problem because of the power he held.”.... Gawd! Can’t win for losing. I just gave up giving two shits about this issue.