
Thnx to Openiv, I was internet famous for like, a day with this one... RIP :(

I didn’t realize until about a week in that there were tons of side target/contracts for each mission. Played through the main hits so man times and had a ton of fun doing them in various ways, then realized this game was WAY bigger than my first take. I cannot recommend this game enough to anyone who’s a fan of Hitman


Return on your “investment”? I don’t think you understand the definition of that word pal. ESPECIALLY when referring to a video game.

It’s not a multiplayer only game, it has a story mode which honestly, is the best part about the game. If you liked Any of the Borderlands series, you’ll love the story mode. Of course multiplayer is a good part of the game, Most people will tell you the story is the best part.

Ah I gotchya. Your one of those entitled assholes who think the company owes you for all their work on the game...

it’s been at $20 for like, 3 weeks now. whatchyu waitin for!

The games have been out for over 6 months. That argument makes sense in the release month, but people have been comparing the two ever since then. It’s been 20$ on Amazon if your interested btw. It’s SO Good, and once agian, should have never been painted with the same brush as Overwatch like many failed to do when

if people realized it’s a totally different game than overwatch, there might be more people trying it out. It’s actually a MOBA style game, not just a team based, semi-strategic game like Overwatch.

People need to stop making the comparison of Battleborn vs. Overwatch. The only commonalities are lots of heroes, and the release date. After finally playing Battleborn after months of Overwatch, I don’t know why the fuck the comparison was ever made in the first place.

nah, they need to bite the bullet and fix it. The game is great, and still worth every penny. But the matchmaking is this game is absolutely fucking horrendous

nope, all rumors

He played a creepy locksmith on “Broad City” a while back too. Always a great lil’ cameo

“146,000 subscribers”


Just a heads up, all these games are $0.0 on Amazon for presale at this time and can be “Purchased” through the Amazon store. Not sure if they plan on keeping them being Free, but take advantage of that shit NOW before they decide to start charging!

Just went down there on Honeymoon a few months back. So glad our driver told us bout it, it was so badass

Ran it for an hour on lunch, and aside from some slight stuttering and the FOV adjuster I as well as several friends of mine had no complaints whatsoever. Sucks for people who can’t even get it running. Update your drivers fools!

So glad the console still works on this one. Was really bummed when it was Controller support only at first but the console still works.

If your On PC, its SUPER EASY