Matthew Cox

Dear Strong Bad, how can you conjure ceiling pizzas with those boxing gloves on your hands?

Yep, nobody cares about the xenomorphs anymore…well, except for Lootcrate who stuck custom XM action figures in their latest box, because they're awesome…

Consecrated rounds! The Hellfire Club! This show hasn't missed a whackadoodle beat from the first season and I'm very glad for that…

I guess they decided to change the title from Kirk Cameron vs. The Attack of the Straw Men after all.

Is this some kind of gritty reboot of Neverending Story starring Lil Bow Wow as the Childlike Empress?

Considering Man-Thing has now been referenced (very subtly) in Iron Man 3 and directly in AoS, seems likely that he could make an appearance at some point…or someone really just likes throwing the references in.