For some reason I thought it was obvious the boy was a host the whole time. I am not sure why. I guess it was confirmed when he expressed such ignorance to what was "beyond" that area.
For some reason I thought it was obvious the boy was a host the whole time. I am not sure why. I guess it was confirmed when he expressed such ignorance to what was "beyond" that area.
I forget the name of the movie where Hopkins is a communist dissident with magical, psycic powers, but he had relationships with children than involved very similar tone and dialect.
Thank you. I thought I was the only person trying to figure out their digestive system.
And fuck. And so on.
Good point. We can't make too many assumptions. One would think there is some market forces given the references to wealth and priveledge and the commidification of the park.
Well you just ruined the show for me.
Do they have intenstines and bowels? Do they eat?
I was also thinking about STDs. Of course, in this universe they may have amazing contraception technology.
A mask?
And there seems to be a guy that bumps into people causing an icy stare. You either tell him to fuck off (and perhaps,kill, torture, rape or scalp hiim), or say excuse me I suppose
Something would fall from the ceiling to humorous effect — for reasons passing understanding.
So, if you wear a white hat do you just do treasure hunts and stuff?
Right. And yet I was still somewhat proud of my observational skills when I noticed.
I was less haunted by that scene than the TV/obstructed view/Ellen scene. His assault on the guy that Omar beat up for him was, at least in one sense, coerced — he had to do it. But when he stood in front of people at the TV and they yelled at him (not knowing his new alliance w/Omar) and THEN he went to change the…
It would be interesting if there is more colonies there. I would assume there are pockets of life outside of Malibu — the show has already shown us 1 more this year. So perhaps Tucson will become the most settled place and the eventual population center of the New World. Of course, as has been mentioned in the show…
Right, if Sudekis is available to be a regular cast member (is he recurring or regular?) than I am willing suspend my disbelief to see him mix with a case that I already like a lot.
Right, in that scenario he should assume he is hallucinating. What are the odds that 6 billion people die and his brother did not. Unless he found evidence of Tandy's survival in Tuscon.
I hope they do a flashback of his journey. They could do a whole episode and I would be OK with that. But even just to help explain the exact dots he connected.
When Tandy said he was sterile I was expecting that his wife would not be forced to fornicate with Todd, since there were no other men and they want to repopulate the Earth. That would've been funny. But they just added another male into the equation so Todd is probably not the Last Man with Active Sperm on Earth.
So the signs say "moved to Malibu"? For some reason my memory is failing me.