
How did he find him? I remember he saw the Alive in Tuscon sign a few episodes again — did they leave a trail or a note or something? They must have because otherwise, obviously, he never would've found his brother but I just can't remember if they showed this or mentioned it.

No, I mean I need you to do it again..

I am on this bandwagon in a big way and have been on day 1. Outside of premium channels, and Netflix I don't watch a lot of comedies on network TV. I watch Mom sometimes. I hear Brooklyn 99 is good, but I haven't tried it. But I make sure not to miss this show.

It bugs me too. Clearly they screwed up the continuity and it seems like an avoidable mistake. I am not a television writer though, maybe one could explain why a show can't manage to have a reasonable take on the age of its characters.

I agree it is frustrating. For what is worth, whoever did this Wiki page provides ages for Fiona (23), Lip (21), Ian (19), Debbie (15), Carl 14) , Liam (6). It is a wiki so it is probably just some fan doing the best he or she can do based on the conflicting information. —…

I assume he is in his 40s. Frank in his 60s. Fiona started the show at 21 so she could be anywhere from 23-25 by now. Of course, the actrss is older than Fiona. She is playing young.

Good point. Especially such an important job. In my experience places will hire you "pending a background check." At that point they will invest in the background check. Often there is no exact criteria for "passing" a background check, so circumstances can matter and often companies will have the discretion to hire

I don't mind the plot of him descending into a self-destructive rage over his failed romance and the lasting damage that Frank caused him, but they needed to put more effort,time and work into it, to make it plausible.

It may be different for EMTs since the job has life and death stakes but most background checks that I have seen (( have been through some for companies) do not go into medical history at all. But I wasn't applying for a job where someone's life would be in my hand.

This is probably far-fetched but early in season 1, maybe even the pilot, Ray and Charlie were drinking poppy seed tea — I wonder if Dunham was considering having one of them turn to hard opiates at some point. Maybe I am reading too much into it, but I recall thinking at the time that I was susprised they were so

It could absolutely happen to him, or anyone else. He was especially vulnerable. His father killed himself, he lost a wealthy company with no money. Sometimes, smart, otherwise successful and well-mannered people fall into drug addiction. And that is why I thought it was powerful. Especially since opiate addiction is

He is a tweener. Some people make the cutoff 82, some 80 and 78, but not everyone neatl fits into one generation. He is a tweener. Your point still holds, but he hangs out with millenials for the most part, so he must identify as a millennial in some way.
I forget how old he is. I remember him being in his early to

Good point. Maybe deep down they are trying to make the case against teacher tenure? Or weaken the teachers union?

Correct. His lack of judgement and genuine friendship was admirable, but the way he protected her secrets to Lip "Yeah, she got a job," was remarkable. Probably the strongest part of the episode for me was that very conversation

I do wish Lip wasn't getting laid in a third of his scenes — often in porno-style ways like with an Older Teacher or by a group of sorority sisters.

I assumed it was mostly a joke and will never be revisited. That said, if there is a show that will kill him off in that fashion, it would be this show.

agreed. The questionnaire that I remember asked "Have you ever had more than 4 drinks in one sitting." "Did you drink more than INSERT A VERY SMALL NUMBER of times this year."

This is not the way I see it. When I was in college this kind of drinking was done by so many people and some were alcoholics, many were not. I am not saying Lip isn't, or won't become an alcoholic, I am just saying this scene in my view was not designed to establish alcoholism as much as it is his

Many Pacquaio is a politican and a boxer — which is why the joke worked. He was elected to the country's house of representatives at age 32.