
What about Johnny Galecki? He doesn't have much on his plate does he…

Am I the only one who thinks that Jimmy will become Saul soon. At least professionally. The name Mcgill may become so disgraced in the law field after this(both because of him and his brother), that he'll just be like "Professionally I am gonna be known as Saul Goodman". And he'll still try to be good, and we may

"Ahh, these uniforms are a godsend. Horseplay's down 40%. Youthful exuberance has been cut in half. High spirits are at an all-time low."

Haven't played the MMOs so leaving those out, but other the other 13 they are in this order.

I came to the realization a long time ago that the Peoples choice awards are really the teen choice awards based on their demo and people voting. And that would make the actual teen choice awards the pre-teens choice awards. Still not sure what the kids choice awards are…

Ralph dying in 2017 would make sense, seeing as how in one of future episode of the simpsons, when Bart see's Ralph he's astonished and says "I thought you died!" And ralph mentions that he got cloned. Yes, a small nitpick, but still.

Google. It's your best friend.

I agree. Zack Synder is no Joss Whedon(a guy with a lot of good projects to his name, and an actual passion for comics themselves.), and he definitely doesn't have the artistic vision of Christopher Nolan(everything synder does is a lot of green screen with slow motion and dim lighting.) I thought Man of Steel was

Yes that is her lasso and Wonder Woman has always used a sword. Her primary weapons are a sword and shield, and her lasso(and the wristbands to an extent since they can reflect bullets.)

A feast for Crows is just boring. It's a lot of build-up with nothing happening. It almost feels like filler. Almost none of the stories in that book really end, and the ones that do are boring as hell(I'm looking at you Sam!!) Then you have Cersei chapters that are… ughh, where as the Jaime chapters got you a

I didn't like that they died, if only cause they really helped Jon become lord Commander in the books(of course Sam is the biggest help, but Pyp and Grenn were always on his side also). But I guess with the show going out of its way to show Janos Slynt as a coward(and the brothers will know it), and Alliser being on

Seriously no Stannis at the end really made me like the episode a lot less. I was enjoying it up until then(Pyp and Grenn deaths aside… seriously WTF!) But with the lack of Stannis, and John just being like "Well that was one battle, but now onto the big battle and Mance!" it felt like filler. Something that could

Episode 9 is confirmed to take entirely place at the wall.

Same here. The red wedding was spoiled for me, so when it was coming in the books, I was dreading it, but I wasn't surprised. Oberyns death though. Man that got me. I really liked him the books, and really thought he had it. Then to have him die. I was really upset.

A friend told me it's confirmed that episode 9 will be all at Castle Black. It's a shame though. I agree with the reviewer. The buildup to the battle for the wall just hasn't been done well. In the books there is so much more urgency. The show… we got a raid this week… and some thenns raiding a village 3 episodes

I bet episode 10 will have Qyburn telling Cersei that the mountain is dying, and that it is because of an unknown poison. He mentions he can save him, but he won't be Gregor anymore. She agrees. Something like that.

Love reading the non-book readers comments(ie, So Tyrion is gonna die now! NO!! or "How could they kill Oberyn. If Tyrion dies I am done.") They make me laugh. Still I hate seeing Oberyn die, almost as much as I hated reading it. Still though, that fight. One of the best scenes in Book 3 and glad to see it done

Better than the books where they don't even do Rains of Castamere that much. It's all Bear and the maiden fair. Every single time. lol.

Heck yeah, bring on the rest of the Dorne!! They're stuff(and characters) are some of the best things about book 4. Areo is a Bad-ass!! Hoping Arianne get's added, since she is kind of essential, but we shall see.

I understand not having the musician there, as it's an unnecesary character, but who is Littlefinger gonna blame lysa's death on? Is he just gonna be like "she tripped!" They should have had at least somebody there to take the blame.