Co-worker has an SS that he’s rebadged. He’s swapped just about everything that said SS/Chevy for Holden badges. Really too bad these didn’t work out. Nice cars.
Co-worker has an SS that he’s rebadged. He’s swapped just about everything that said SS/Chevy for Holden badges. Really too bad these didn’t work out. Nice cars.
Between that grill and those fenders...all kinds of nope going on there.
I’m reminded of why Indy is struggling and NASCAR is boring as hell. If I were a driver I’d go crazy after 20 laps.
You’re correct. When they ended the subsidy in Denmark, Tesla sales dropped dramatically (93% 2015 to 2016). In the first quarter last year they sold 6 cars.
Thanks for the clarification.
Hearing those cars, the way they scream at you, I can’t imagine how they’re going to maintain that energy when they go all electric in 2020. Those cars are ferocious!
That dude started ripping some nasty sounding farts at about 0:34. Prolly a good thing nobody was in the car with him.
I fly international a lot (heading MUC-CDG-SEA on Saturday) and kick my shoes off as soon as we’ve begun to climb out. Still, if I’m going to the lavatory I put them back on. Off to sleep, on to pee. Seems like a rule we should all follow. I’m jes sayin!
You know, the spectators could have called out to the driver, but what driver doesn’t not that you have to pull forward a bit before cutting the wheel? Feel bad for the driver, but come on man!
Yeah, you can hear these things coming from way over the horizon. When I was in the Navy these guys would fly over us every couple of days in the Indian Ocean. Big, loud, ugly airplanes. Always had and F-14 or -18 escorting them around the battle group.
I recognize that first picture. AMS! Lots of good food in that airport. Beer? Not so much.
It’s amazing to see them throw that thing around in the snow. Where do they get the traction? More importantly, where can I get one to throw my skis in? No more lift lines!!!
They’ll definitely squeal. Have them on my Z06 and after searching a bit found there is a recommended burnishing procedure to bed the pads/rotors. Essentially, it’s 50 0-60's then stand on the brakes as hard as you can without activating the ABS. Follow that with a long cool down drive and you’re done. Smells terrible…
Not CCB’s. Carbon ceramic pads and OE or aftermarket steel rotors. Internet is full of stories of folks swapping OE pads for ceramics to reduce brake dust. Personally though, I don’t think it matters what pads you use. If they’re going to squeal, they’re going to squeal.
Barnum missed by a far sight! We’re turning them out every few nanoseconds.
I’m hoping for a good showing from Corvette. Love hearing that big V8 screaming by!
I find myself slightly aroused after watching that. Who am I kidding?!? I’ve got a raging...
I could see putting one in the garage, assuming I had the scratch. Think I’d take mine in white with blue stripes though. Love that look.
I believe that because the type certification is through the FAA, it would be installed, tested, and certified by the FAA. You could be right about the EASA putting the brakes on that proposal though.
I’ve gotten some positive feedback...