Is any one else having issues with embedded Instagram videos not showing up? It looks fine with mobile Chrome on Android but totally blank with Chome on my iPad and it’s been an ongoing thing.
Is any one else having issues with embedded Instagram videos not showing up? It looks fine with mobile Chrome on Android but totally blank with Chome on my iPad and it’s been an ongoing thing.
We need more tax cuts to pay for this.
Nope, the headline is the extent of the explanation that will be provided to you on that topic. They moved on to other topics for the article with no explanation as good writers do. What, you expect the headlines to match up with the article? Why? Are you a nazi?
Gave you a star for the first truck, then took it away for the second.
The Europa always looks much bigger in photos. You need to see one in person or at least with a reference frame to understand how small it is. My guess is that one side of a modern Camaro has more sheet metal than an entire Europa. The color isn't my taste but I guarantee it doesn't look like a wall of beige in…
If they make it through the growing pains ... quickly enough to remain financially viable...
He doesn’t want to hear it because that comes from people who don’t buy new cars.
Quick answer....and I mean this in the nicest possible way.
City living is the best use for this technology. I think this is a great option for people living in urban areas with mass transit options and/or livable communities with access to shopping near home.
Change is needed on many fronts, but this site talks about cars because it is a car site.
Stay indoors with your helmet and knee / elbow pads on, you scaredy cat!
Are you a cop? Because you sound like a cop. It’s gonna be ok man, this is a good story on a bad take. He’s not hurting anyone, so we can all just relax.
Did you do a massive cross reference with every part available to figure this out? Impressive work.
My apologies for sharing some interesting information with you.
$5000 is a “limited” budget? Man, I’ve never had so much money to spend on a single vehicle.
Third and fourth gen Accord were really clean and simple designs that just worked. Still have a soft spot for the 3rd gen hatch.