Are you white? I’ve had a different set of experiences...
Are you white? I’ve had a different set of experiences...
If I ever found myself obscenely wealthy one morning, I’d order one of these before making coffee.
Two 911's of that era aren’t going to be identical, even if they left the factory line consecutively. The bodywork was installed by hand, much less homogenous results than today. Also each donor car Singer gets has 40+ years of being driven, wrecked, repaired, expanded & contracted in different environments, modded...
Yeah, well this isn’t the Walking Dead.
It doesn’t take much to get pursued by police. Even if you didn’t do anything at all, they can say you were driving erratically.
Well... we should empty out many of our jails, actually. Have you not noticed our incarceration rate? The war on drugs? Anything?
but... it isn’t.
I’m glad to hear from everyone in this thread that it’s not as difficult as I originally thought.
I would add that the swing-axle has a bad enough reputation without further stigmatizing. In 1961, you’d put your kid in the backseat of your Monza, and nobody would stare. They wouldn’t start staring until 1965.
I’ve worked 0n 911's... never had an issue with them because the engine is accessible.
Nothing wrong with swing-axle if set up properly and driven by someone with skill. Porsche was a fan of the setup.
Really? I read you could only get to the drivetrain from under a lift...
I really wanted one of these. The only problem is you can’t remove the engine without a lift.
damn thats beautiful.
looks like a pug.
It’s a good thing you aren’t the police or judge in this instance, so you don’t get to give anything to the situation. Attempted murder is attempted murder, whether or not a guy on the internet disagrees with the law.
Dude, you are so dense.
and mine:
Lots and lots of people copied the Corviar. Heard of the BMW 2002? Hell, all of the Neue Klasse. And the Corvair was anything but mediocre... it was quite influential. More horsepower than Porsches of the day, alum block, 2300# and 180hp, nothing to sneeze at.
One of the more obvious early model Chevy Corvair disciples.