
It’s simple really, it means there is no God, and if there is, It certainly doesn’t care about you or humanity and is probably a troll doing it for the LULZ. It means all accomplishments, failures, and sacrifices are inherently meaningless. That the only purpose to our existence is the purest of irony since it won’t

Please fire Berman. Please fire Berman. Please fire Berman.

this guy should know by now not to get all fancy trying to score- just pound it in. I swear some people will never learn.

Only at FSU when they sent out a copy of the police report to the media, do they redact the accused’s name in it but leave in the female student victim’s name. Shows where their priorities are.

Not one!

It took a pretty embarrasing amount of time for me to realize that. Now, whenever I hear that -

I agree that it’s not nice to give ultimatums to people about how they maintain their pubic hair, but it’s also a fact that I find it much more enjoyable to go down on a shaven vulva than a hairy one.

That or the global economy has reached a point where its in no developed nation’s best interests to wage war with another developed nation. That and the kind of widespread suffering that really fuels acts of war is fairly unheard of in the 1st world these days.

My only question is, how do we get “#RelieveBlatter” trending? It’s too good. How did nobody think of this yet?

FIFA is ordering out for lunch today.

They do move in herds.

Somewhere Colin Cowherd is yelling at his cat about how real leaders don’t show off and look before assists.

We had our.. (looks at highlight reel on tablet).. er, investigators (pancake block, starts drooling) look into this case (block downfield, moans audibly) GOTTA GO BYE

Schefter’s initial tweet about the incident is quite misleading and irresponsible. Whether or not he ends up becoming a suspect, Collins is not one for now, but Schefter’s tweet made it seem as though he was. At least I thought so:

Well, I think I speak for everyone when I say that it’s fine if women want to focus on this aspect of La’el Collins’ life. I GET THAT. AND I HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH THAT. But at the end of the day, I’m a football fan, and we want to see great players be great and that’s what I’m concerned with.


Making bombs is bad.

If I was a boxer I would find a way to make that drop my walk in music.