
Some MTV producer's version of a good idea. "Tell two airheads they're gonna be on tv for 'being too beautiful'. Film the hilarity that ensues". That's how low we've sunk.

Two different four-year-old sons? If only AD's father had hit him in the scrotum with a switch.

"Why has the duologue become so one-sided?"

Bullshit. If he'd never hit her before, he would've reacted to the fact that he knocked her unconscious like, I don't know, a man who had never punched his girlfriend would react. Not stand there like it was nbd, kick her legs out of the way of the door, and then drag her around like a sack of fucking potatoes.

uh huh, pull the other, it's got bells on. That's not possible and Ray is making a liar out of you.

I tend to dress up as well when I go places because I know it gets me better service. Is that right? Fuck no, but I know how to play the game :/

"So we figured, hey, let's draw attention to racial inequalities in America by walking hand-in-hand out from this inflatable thing with a purple injun on it."

Hahahaha. Your comment. was gold.

Have they considered working from home with Google?

Instructions? A Q&A session? Updates?

No one wants you here, continue being poor in whatever 3rd world shithole you currently reside USA USA


Why don't you just enjoy the goddamned song and not worry about vetting every artist to see if their career choices, personal opinions, any jokes they've ever told, anything they've ever said to anyone ever conforms to the groupthink orthodoxy de jour.

Giuseppe Verde hated Jews; it doesn't make his "Requiem" less

If Beyonce wore one, this site would be falling all over itself to fawn all over her. But this is what you get when evey snowflake is special and everyone gets a trophy for participating. America is becoming so sensitive that even using Charmin leaves a bruise.

quit being so fucking "bossy" (and yes I'm saying that out of spite to you know who). You people rant on this network about women's empowerment yet have the audacity to tell women what they have to think politically or what kind of over-priced tacky shit to wear

Here's a thought. Let people who want it, buy it, and those who don't, won't. The market will decide if pregnant women want this or not. Chances are, these sell like hot cakes.

Some women might see it as a joke, which I'm pretty sure is what the shirt is going for, not manufactured outrage and click bait.

Or you can let the pregnant women that want to buy it, buy it, and those that don't, not buy it.