
If anybody thinks people don’t pay attention to Clint Eastwood nor side with him, they’re making a grave error. His age can be disparaged (not a smart move) and a great argument can be made about his not understanding racism today, but it won’t fly against the rock solid belief that Clint still matters.

Thank you so much for this because the main pic scared the living daylights out of me. Nightmares ahead but this may have softened them a bit. Maybe. I hope so.

It’s not just men who find her voice difficult to hear. I’m a woman and I would prefer to read her speech, which I did, than listen to her. For whatever reason, the sound gives me a sharp pain in the right side of my temple every time I hear it and I’ve tried; I’ve really tried. Muting with closed captioning also

I swore that I heard Wolf say that somebody took a swing at Ted after he left the stage and had to be restrained. That would’ve been awesome to see! All my son and I did was keep looking at each other and laughing and we don’t laugh all that much these days.

Probably not a quick answer to this but here we go anyway:

Thank you. Signed, Loving mom of two sons.

Yeah, well, just because I was curious and also worked in fundraising all my life I sent a monetary gift to the D/D of Cambridge after their wedding to their Foundation. I have yet to receive a thank you note, so, Team Kim! Yes, the check cleared.

As a professional fundraiser, nailing down a huge salary, that’s her job to be the face of PP. It’s her job to sell the nuance when it’s being attacked in a monstrous way. Not validate that theory with hostile and sharp-edged militancy. It’s about trust and integrity and caring and I don’t think she’s doing the org

“I have never done a job where people weren’t pissed off at me,” Richards told Jezebel.

There's one feeling better than that one, sorry. It's being the parent(s) who finally have the joint to themselves and a few extra bucks and get to watch you learn your way through life. And we get to do whatever the hell we want for the first time in decades. People can shove that empty nest nonsense. I'll wear a

Actually, he doesn't work yet in the air ambulance corps and hasn't finished his exams so, essentially, he does nothing. And, they're not monarchs. That's reserved, I believe, for the Queen.

WTH is that show? I've never seen it before. Sick, man, really sick. And not good sick.

Oh, yes, that's more true than not. Putting in a little extra effort into my appearance has afforded me first access to upgrade seating more often than not and far better service. And it's just as comfortable to wear nice flats, a good sweater w/scarf than a pair of sloppy pants and a t-shirt.

No, not immediately. I've had friends and relatives, obviously, who have had abortions. And relief is the common first reaction in some. Does it last without evaluation? I don't think that's a rational argument and a fairly reckless message to put out there to impressionable women. This is her JOB. She admitted

Yeah, I get that and you're all looking at it from your own experiences. For me and I and hospice were really there when she died in my home (Happy Mothers Day, btw) it's a strong moment. She was fully aware and had all of her faculties right up to the end or else she wouldn't be my mother and that's a fact and

But that is her assertion. It's "not scary" and "I feel relieved" and "No guilt". That is the message that is being sold here. There is no indication nor remark that there is any after-counseling or thought or long-term effects, emotionally or physically. It's just 'this is it and it's all good.' It's not a

My mother had an abortion 70+ years ago and I recall her saying that she felt 'relieved', that the doctor was gentle, that it wasn't that big of a deal and was mostly pro-choice her entire life. Until she started to die. Then, for whatever reason, and for dayyyys, she was uncontrollably frightened, edgy, impossible

I, too, add sour cream as well as small curd cottage cheese. Then, after putting it in a baking dish, I drop bits of butter and shaved almonds on top and let them warm up a bit then blast it under the broiler. Fantastic!

Actually, that's exactly what I did. I started my own consulting business to raise money for those who are disadvantaged. Next question?