
Just for a little perspective on how severe this is...

Pitchforks... yeah well, we’d do torches but you guys beat us to that one, eh?

Fuck off you uneducated, ignorant, piece of human detritus. My patience for your kind is no longer a thing.

Seeing the wildfires, ice caps, coral bleaching; etc. etc. etc. and hurricanes - its like yeah: climate change might be happening. But you watch a frontline from 15 years ago and its like wtf - the deniers have done their job. Legislation has gone back and fourth from one presidency to the next which has taken us

There’s no need to have a category higher than “Totally Fucked.”

Beyond 95%+ of the foremost leading scientific experts on the entire planet (not just America) agreeing that the Earth’s climate is changing and that human activity most definitely has been a significant contributing factor, what the hell kind of proof are you looking for?

well you could also blame the Republican state government for refusing to take any action to prepare Florida for the massive hurricanes which are now battering the region at a terrifying and increasing rate too

Given the timing of his DACA decision, do you think Trump views these storms as rivals, and wants to see if he can displace more US citizens than them as a show of strength?

Stillwater is among the poorest of the poor in Saratoga County, a notoriously red-leaning county. This guy is smack in the middle of Trump territory. Poor, ignorant, white trash who have lived through factory collapse after factory collapse. Too stupid or lazy to take advantage of every re-training program available

What about the lady who shits in the dressing rooms at the Walmart?

But he was accused multiple times of victimizing children as a school bus driver IN THE SAME TOWN! As a small town gal myself, I can’t believe people hadn’t heard.

So, a known kiddie fiddler was elected mayor.

Bone-broth* advocates make me want to murder. Jesus fucking christ, people. It’s soup.

My favorite use for this stuff is to get rid of fruit flies. Put a 1/2 inch or so in a small jar, roll up a small cone from paper that will fit in the top of the jar - keep it a couple inches up from the cider, set it out and watch those little buggers go in and be unable (too stupid?) to get out.

What about dad-anger? Does it offer any relief from dad-anger? Because if I step on one more fucking Lego, I swear to God I’m going to burst into flames.

it’s good at killing fruit flies.

Now do one on kombucha. Unless you did and I missed it! I have friends that act like it’s a cure-all for everything. We’ll live forever and have world peace if everyone would just drink kombucha. And sip bone broth. That too.

I LOVE THIS DRESS. I have loved it for 20+ years, since I first saw it. I would wear this tomorrow.

““Diana refused to take any blame in the collapse of her marriage,” the Post wrote in June, “to acknowledge that her increasing hysteria — her constant self-harm, suicide attempts and rage-filled tantrums — were enough to push anyone away.””