$2-3,ooo? You won’t find one that nice on CL for that much. You can find plenty of rust buckets with spacer lifts and oversized no name tires for that price.
$2-3,ooo? You won’t find one that nice on CL for that much. You can find plenty of rust buckets with spacer lifts and oversized no name tires for that price.
Probably because the battery pack necessary to do that would weigh over 1000 pounds, making it impractical to design for when 95% of the time it isn’t being used. More realistically, you could add a small engine up front and use it to supplement travel for longer trips. Call the car a Volt or something.
All you people voting CP are thinking that this ‘amino is designed for hauling hay, and I would agree that would be a travesty. But with a little caulk in just the right places (and a little plumbing to draw heat from the exhaust) I see that rear end as a nice little hot tub, with the gas lid acting as a perfectly…
Before these pictures, the Corvette was the Chevy that I most associated with cocaine.