
Oh cool. Zero black-white ships, despite this site desperately grabbing at every opportunity to be (white focused) 'progressive'!

lol I loooove Heben and Tracy. Legit the only podcast I listen to every second. The way they feel about Macklemore is exactly the way I feel about this website. So many white boys and girls telling me how to feel about diversity. Like…you want diversity give your job to a PoC. Don't come at me from your tower of

Some random blog that 6 of the writer's family members occasionally read says that a black actor playing a 'white' role is wrong ala Fantastic Four and AV Club write a 20 paragraph FYC on it.

Ugh. I'd like to say so much more, but I don't want to be banned, so I'll leave it at your privilege is showing.

I was so hyped for this and ended up hating it.

This list is hilarious and unlike similar articles I've read, had the good conscience to punch up at all times. White men and men in general are the worst lol…

Page 148 is one of the most harrowing pieces of writing in memory.

We created DAESH

This is an interesting list but I wish you had included more female led comics, and more strong female representation throughout. I did find a few comics that I haven't heard of, that seem interesting and some that I had been meaning to check out and forgot about, so thank you for that!