
And stop calling me Shirley..

You win the internet today!

I have been worried about this exact thing for a while now. Wireless data is just getting out of hand. Either charge per kilobyte (at a reasonable rate) or give us unlimited. This package capping crap is annoying.

Steve Jobs may approve of the new iPad, but "resolutionary?" Rollingoverinhisgravetionary is more like it...

My bar graph goes to 11.

Agreed, Saturday night or Sunday morning, but never should it be called Sunday night.

But Giz won't actually be there, or is the ban over?

That's funny, because the screen is the only reason I will buy one. The difference between text on the iPhone 3 and 4 is ridiculous. I can only hope for close to the same on the ipad.

A friend of mine used to manage the Oreo production line in NE Philly. He said that the Oreo is the most expensive cookie to make because they still use real coco. And the only real change to the recipe was going from Animal to vegetable shortening for the filling.

Does anyone actually click on ads? I never have and never will. Ad Block+ FTW!

Love the "green roofs" on those buildings.

Mmmmm, tastes like cantenna.

Windows haters gotta hate... Tiresome.

I'm with you, XBMC on Rasberry Pi+AirPlay+iPhone/iPad=WHole house audio and Video!

I'll let you have your skinny jeans if, and only if, you don't where them around your thighs with your ass hanging out...

No it is not safe for Acme.

I agree with the no soap thing.

Dish? There's no dish in my garden...

I have two Silicondust dual tuners, and I just installed two new roof antennas (less than $100 total), and now my system is super rockin'. No cable for 4 years!

Did the same, Telly is pretty cool, a little buggy, but cool.