
My issue is similar. I have been longing for an iPad since it was announced, but my beat up 3g needed replacement first. So I held out for the iPhone 4.

Sorry, but they fail. The plastic cap and bottom are both made of plastic. BPA free or not, FDA approved or not, an oil based chemical is in contact with the contents. Make these parts from stainless and I may be interested.

Will the relief well then be a oil producing well once it is finished? I needs me my oil!

@Product F(RED): Simple background crashed my iPhone 4, it made some screens 1/4 of the size (native 480x320) and they wouldn't respond to touch. It was the only app I put on the phone, so it wasn't something else. I had to do a full restore. Now I just don't use it. Still Jailbroken of course...

@tande04: Agreed. It's a flat mouse with touch.

You obviously haven't seen the far superior, CRT technology coming out for HTC's next gen phones...

Old trick for bike grips, but use hair spray. Provide lube and helps stick the grips in place when dry. Been using it for 30 years with no problems

I have had the proximity sensor issue a couple times. Did a full reset, and it seems to be OK. I still tend to hold it wrong though, stupid me...

The only thing keeping me from doing this, and I really want to, is that I would have to give up my unlimited data to switch. I'm afraid I'm an iPhone lifer.

Nice article, but the grammar..Ugh.

The Glen Miller photon?

Can't even log in now...

@Graverobber: Buttons molded in, remember reading that on one of the liveblogs.

I have been using MCE for about a year and a half, without cable! Saved enough now to have payed for the box, and we aren't looking back... I do almost everything you stated, and can vouch for the fact that it just works. I will have to play with the file sharing and media streaming next.