I See Car People

Music's great, but the idea of making it so loud in the car that the vibrations will "supercharge sensations" just seems like it would be awful. This author has never, ever done this, and never will. This is just a recipe for one partner to be repeatedly yelling "I SAID YOU'RE ON MY HAIR!"

It also sampled from 2 sets of 4 individuals... So if you know one of the straight dudes he has at least a one-in-four chance of giving himself a semi before he hits the team shower.

These are DOPE.

I think those rims are dope.

You must be fun at parties

Most definitely and obviously the former.

So far they're 0/2 for live shows I've been to. Disappointing.

Am I the only one that thinks the daughter looks a little like Cam?

AKA $kaybait

I think people were worried about the swing on the rear door

I like this.

I feel you. I'm still a huge fan of the swooping character of the body. Starts high over the rear wheel, dips down through the door area, and plunges into the headlight. Super sexy.

This is one of the happiest faces I've seen since the previous gen Mazda3

I find it pretty heinous, actually.


This was one of the best episodes in awhile in my opinion. I'm also in love with the woman behind Hammond:

False. Castle.

Someday when I have way too much time I'm going to count how many posts you have made about your ex-girlfriend.

Cried a bit.

It also makes a lot of sense for the sake of his mental health. Now he knows he won't have to hide his sexuality on a new team and is more likely to be picked up by a program that is more accepting than others.