
my completely uneducated guess is that the solar energy is being used to change the magnetism orientation, simmilar to slowly spinning a compass.

If only i lived somewhere i ever thought i could get it :D

Biggest problem is that Comcast and Time Warner control a huge amount of the internet access in this country. So with their already implemented Data Caps they can start to throttle you back to their side.

Honestly none of these ideas either make sense or seem useful to me. First of all you can't really make an iPhone only accessory, it will be copied, even if you patent it there will be tons of clones floating around in no time, that is if its useful.

Don't forget you only got one GPU in your list (and not the same one).

Thank you so much for this comment

All pc's in my house are named after Periodic Elements. Keeps it simple and an easy way for me to name them without coming up with something that I end up hating years later:

was heading to this video just as i saw this article... then you beat me :D bravo

Wow... this comment is just weird, not only do you not want a large screen phone but you actually would prefer that others don't have it either.....

AIO Laser... best investment ever, use it just for random prints, i need something I print, but i don't worry about costs or toner (ink) cause cost per page is so small... got a XL toner cartridge, itll last apx a year :D

August 29th:

Starred... but i gotta say i cannot get over the photoshop of the hand. too funny

I think the Padfone Infinity was the first to use the Nano-Sim for android, of course i still cant get one in the US so the motorola may yet win :D

just remember this in a few days when I randomly reply to this old thread with a pic :D

If bacon is so good, then why not just eat a burger with a pure bacon patty?

The fact that you are having this discussion on multiple fronts should say something about your motivation for this: you obviously prefer xbox to playstation, but as the original poster mentioned, He felt that he would be annoyed and didn't understand.

Couple things your kind of missing about the analogies. In the first one its not adding a number to infinity, its literally a hotel with infinite rooms, and you are moving guests from one to another, that is possible. The infinite is just a parameter of the hotel.

"At the very least, the "plus three, minus eight" rule could assure anyone who is afraid to fly: Once you're past those few minutes, the chances of the plane crashing are dramatically lower."

" I set mine on a windowsill behind the desk because I didn't have any duct tape at home,"