
All I can imagine is when I am talking to one of those people that are so loud that I have to pull the phone away, now the phone will be nice and crank up the volume so I can't escape :D

Shouldn't it also say: "NETFLIX: Where we set up shop, sales drop"

I swear I was just thinking this a few weeks ago. How easy it would be for someone to make a simple virus to do the mining for them, yeah most computers (unlike these) wouldn't have great GPUs, but even CPU mining is worth it when your not paying the electricity bill. All you have to do is get them all to solo mine

How can you goto the beach without window screen?

Commercial flight is not a right

Well.... I didn't notice that emphasis... until now. Thanks for that :D

There's one over on lifehacker

What if they just put jammers at major events with a switch? I honestly thought that was the case when this was first reported.

good point, we dont use laptops

I want the BitFenix Prodigy but in a full size case... :(

There is also a Laptop Market, Camcorder market... I doubt this picture was meant to say that the items on the top are dead... but rather that they are available in some manner in the cell phone.

But you did to post the comment... lol (in reality I agree, just found it humorous so take it in stride :) )

But if you had the earbuds in the wrong ears wouldn't you still be able to localize the instruments/voices just on the wrong sides?

Not on mine, CM10.1 so im on the latest release of Android... hmmm

i prefer to listen to pretty much everything in mono, true its mostly talk/comedy but I always cut an earbud out of my headphones because i prefer to be able to hear whats around me... probably just paranoia on missing something or getting spooked when someone touches me from behind but its a habit ive had for years,

Thanks for this explanation, seems the only one that makes sense, the others were just complaining that the band would be on the wrong side but if you can hear em all its just un-authentic, while keyboard/piano sounds make perfect sense...

The other's here are right but very specifically the reason it won't help is that mining Bitcoins with a CPU (processor) has gotten to the point that you spend more in electricity costs then it produces. You need a computer with a high end (or very specific) GPU (video card) to get any return. An old laptop (im

yep, worked in banking all my life (started as a teller) rule is give em what they want... and I would have happily complied any time someone asked

It's not god knows what, its you know what.... A cop can have my phone, I still have a paper card but I always wonder what people have on their phones that make them so paranoid... have at mine i say

One Word: Easy Fries... okay its two, but that is probably the best invention of all time