
"I can tell you right now that Windows 8 running on Atom hardware like the Netbooks of 2 years ago is terrible"

According to SFGate its

not an expert but here is how i see it, one of two things is happening:

One thing I wonder, how did Microsoft think they could get away with that Unlock icon?

ProTip For everyone complaining about the facebook auth:

Agreed, I have an a55 and its amazing, it wasn't going to be a video camera primarily (and it overheats on long clips) but the AF is spot on and quick. But its hard to compare as the Alpha series is using real AF while the Canon and Nikon use software based.

you get a heart for noticing that one

I do agree that the software autofocus is generally not all that great, especially in low light situations, I do think that this does allow most entry level DSLR buyers the ability to take quick clips of HD Video where they wouldn't before due to inability to track with manual focus.

Thats how i roll...

i.e. your holding it wrong

I agree with timgray, on my camera I ended up getting a 35mm 1.8 because of the crop factor but it really has changed the way i take photos

was playing around with plex all day today, figured this was a good sign that maybe i should get it,

I clicked the video before I read the article, and even though I kinda knew the kid probably didnt die, it was still disturbing to watch...

hearted for that one

"Right now we have access to every classified database in the U.S. government."

The source article on ABC seems to be misleading as well, the only sentance referencing this states:

10 minutes? Were these brand new overdyed skinny jeans? only thing i can think is that maybe they are so tight that it literally pushed the dye into the phone.

but mozilla and google don't have access to nearly all the APIs that would make a metro browser useful, Mozilla has basically admitted that they won't even develop if it stays this way.

Microsoft hasn't developed IE for either platform, Android is more open so its very possible. and on iOS as long as you use the safari webkit engine your allowed.