Sears Poncho

of course it was. But it moved the plot forward.

Do you know what's a better Fargo story (better story, better characters, better plot, better motivation, similar universe, and clocking in at just 1 minute over 2 hours) than any season of TV-Fargo?

If you're using a charcoal grill, and you're using a charcoal chimney, you should pour the coals out when the coals at the top are starting to show just a hint of gray. Pour the coals out over one side of the bottom grill, so it's half coals, half nothing. Put the grill on over the coals. Crack open a beer. Wait 5

They're going to want to keep Emmit around to face all the fraud charges after they've sucked the milkshake dry. If she's the mastermind, then she's certainly aware of all the fraud that Varga's involved in. She's not going to want legitimate ownership of that business.

But if she's the mastermind, why is she bothering in making an offer to buy the Stussy business if she already has a stake in the ownership and profits?

Good Vibrations was on Smiley Smiles.


Horns on Fixing a Hole? hmm…

I wish people would stop saying Octopi then!

From the Hundred Year War to the Crimea
With a lance and a musket and a Roman spear
To all of the men who have stood with no fear
In the service of the King

Heroes and Villains, and Good Vibrations are two of the best songs the Beach Boys ever did, but the rest of the album… meh.

There's definitely brass in the song. There's a full orchestra. The problem with Hughes's statement is: There's no chorus anywhere in the song. It's a song without choruses (chori?)

Take it from me. I know the value…

My problem with enjoying Pet Sounds is that most of the "songs" are just meandering melodies that sound like Bob Odenkirk's Willups Brighton singing "Mouthful of Sores."

Didn't they substitute "Party" for "pussy" the dialogue, and even reshot his truck and keychain as the "Party Wagon?"

nicely played. Touche.

Waiting for your useful food prep tips. You've wracked up plenty of 2)s.

Do you like brats? How do you prepare yours?

Are you OK? This is an article about how there are many ways to prepare brats. I'm participating in that discussion by offering my opinion on preparing brats. Are you?

who is freaking out?