Sears Poncho

Scorsese needs to step outside of his comfort zone? Jesus Christ, his complete oeuvre completely destroys the notion of a comfort zone. He's made gangster flicks, documentaries, a musical, a western, bio-pics, a kid's flick, and comedies. Find me someone whose directorial career is more varied, or whose knowledge of

So we looked for some photos. Here is one of Ronaldo eye-level with an eight-foot crossbar:

1) It's not a perfect sphere due to its rotation. This is known. But, to simplify things so that we can move on to topics that merit actual debate, the term "sphere" suffices.
2) Go to the ocean. Watch a ship sail away from you. Ask yourself why the ship disappears over the horizon. Ask yourself why you can't see the

The guys in KC who were killed by the window washers??
The racists in the bar??
Constance Heck??
The cook with the frying pan??
The waitress?????

The typewriter salesman?
The Judge?
The other KC leather coat Twin?

Is that Doug Henning? Love it. RIP.

I'm guessing San Quentin.

I think, that he didn't expect to see something that would be commonplace in war, to find him back in rural USA, and that's what marked him so.

I'm not angry. You asked a question.

Cheers was the most popular TV show of its era. Ted Danson won Emmys and Golden Globes for his role in it.

Other than Judy Dench, Helen Mirren, Clint Eastwood, Henry Fonda, John Wayne, Paul Newman, Jack Nicholson, Jeff Bridges, Bruce Dern, Peter O'Toole, Morgan Freeman, Laurence Olivier, Michael Caine, Sean Connery, Katharine Hepburn, Meryl Streep, Julianne Moore, Ellen Burstyn, Christopher Plummer, Alan Arkin, Robert

Of course the massacre in season 2 was what he was referring to in season 1. If that had happened in real life, it would have been the worst shootout between civilians and police in US history, so, there's that.

I'm not saying it's a well-written connection. Personally, I think it's dumb, and they didn't need to do it. However, it's out there now.

The season 1 Fargo boss was named Mr. Tripoli. Hanzee's new identity, as given to him, is Moses Tripoli. I'm going to go ahead and wager that there are not two Tripolis in the Fargo universe.

Yes, he thought he had achieved sovereignty, which he probably did for a brief moment. In the end, he's a serf like the rest of us.

So that makes him good in your eyes?

Wasn't it more of a bigger commentary of Reagan's voo-doo economics leading to faceless corporations replacing family-run businesses?

IIRC, the finale was the first show to use the movie's soundtrack theme. I think they might have hinted at it earlier in the season, but ep 10 was the first one to use it. No?

True, but the writers left that open until the final montage. We didn't conclusively know he killed her until then.