Dragonball GT
Dragonball GT
I guess in that regard, the trifroce hunting antics are a closer match for "LEND ME YOUR ENERGY."
Obviously trends in animation at the time destroy this argument, but I feel like these images are closer in line with the tone of WW (reminder: that game got dark, too. Remember the ending? That dragon fight? There was plenty of stuff that bordered dark and creepy, just highly stylized.)
I think a better comparison than between a timeless classic novel and a contemporary consumer-driven young adult book can be done with anime instead:
I could never give back the glory that is "pressing B/circle in mid-air" and the bloodied face that follows
You were definitely able to take damage from head on collisions in IV. Things like rolling, smashing into the sides or backs, or falling didn't do anything, but head on, full speed collisions could kill you... Often this wasn't noticeable because you (as it's been stated) often ejected.
"it's like they flipped him."
I THINK if something directly above you can be climbed on (like a ledge) you can still hop, I don't think you need to get a running start.
IV had hopping (lots of people used it as a way of saying "hi" online)
Please, please, PLEASE add "Opinion" tags to the title. I get it, most of this stuff is inherently your opinion, but it is obnoxious when the title of an article is trying to state an opinion like a piece of news.
Yeah I've been reading kotaku regularly since about 2006-2007. I just can't take it anymore, too many big-headed opinion pieces, too manly tabloid-style "scoops." I just want information.
I agree. Where we going? Seriously, whats a good alternative to Kotaku?
.....Stay classy, internet-guy. Watch a clip out of context then make sweeping conclusions.
Played it (360, disc version), loved it, not a single bug.
Played it (360, disc version), loved it, not a single bug.
Played it (360, disc version), loved it, not a single bug.
Played it (360, disc version), loved it, not a single bug.
Geralt of Rivia and Max do not belong here. Okay, maybe classic Max, but the new version certainly wouldn't apply— if anything he's an examination of what's wrong with the character type. Niether example's whiteness adds nor subtracts from their story.
This was such a corny and obvious joke.