Its a damn good game. Challenge is fair and the game is creative and fun. I'd definitely recommend it.
Its a damn good game. Challenge is fair and the game is creative and fun. I'd definitely recommend it.
Read the comments here, not the review. This is a good game. You'd be missing out (especially if you're a Sega fan— I'm not one, and I still really enjoyed it.)
You should get it. The challenge is from skill, not rubber-banding or insta-kills.
If the dozens of other similar posts haven't convinced you enough— This is a GOOD game, and you SHOULD get it if you like cart racers. Period.
Heh, thanks. Just feels icky dishing out those kinds of details online.
That's kind of personal. I'm sorry but I'd rather not go too far into it. And we're probably not going to get too far without me doing so, so not sure we can carry on beyond the opinion I gave already.
I would agree with you if I felt this is what the article was trying to achieve.
This is so true, sadly— especially the bit about Capcom.
That's a great point, but do you feel like the answer to this is to try and mirror the behaviors back at the guilty group? This just seems like spiteful eye-for-an-eye behavior.
This actually the smartest response I've heard so far. Brava. (I'm not being snarky at all)
Equality goes both ways. Its not just a switch you flip to start stereo-typing and generalizing in the other direction. Sexism is sexism is sexism.
Butthurt is well-due here.
A super spoiler-filled breakdown of the different endings:
No proof on this, but possible that the tassels weren't authentic to the mohawk tribe anyway, so they axed them. I know they cared a lot about authenticity in the tribal culture.
I wish I felt the same way, but to me, I feel like the UI is really stressing that the player should be playing attention to them— especially since it gets marked in bright red when you don't.
Yeah, I think Kirk makes some great points about how Arkham city took the combat foundation and built upon it. Its weird we can't use more of his tools integrated directly into combat.
I think its the result of these very fast production cycles; once an idea is written down it must be followed through or they will not make gold on time. Even if that idea ends up feeling like crap in the final product (the Tower Defense mini games in Rev), they have no choice but to follow through.
Yeah, what a cool chase! Gallop, gallop, gallop. STOP. Aim carefully.... shoot a barrel to kill some bystanders... Gallop, gallop, gallop, STOP!
The Hickey mission is what made me write that in the first place. Warning, it doesn't get better. Right to the very last mission.