C³ - Cool Cadillac Cat


Crack pipe least she's workin'.

Being I can't burn all three and just have a decent set of walking shoes...

Battering rams aren't necessarily bad, y'know. Gotta have something to run down the zombies.

No, work PC. The account works, but didn't as of this AM, at home.

Work PC.

Well, I rebooted my home machine, last night, and now I cannot get back in.

Home made beef jerky makes for a weak zombie apocalypse weapon.

A mass-exodus...Nibbles 6.0 caused it.

Not as long as I have a

I think you may be mis-interpreting my words.

That's not a Georgia Satellite, is it?

Yeah, the devil is in the details.

What does she want the dealership to do, just give her a bunch of money and be done with it?

At the same time, I've blown out of two employers with absolutely ZERO notice. It goes both ways.

A bit sick, certainly, but us long-timers have come to expect, and reward, this.

Exactly, Ajax.

By my alias, you may think I'm ALL OVER THIS.

Carbs, for me, are much like drum brakes.