C³ - Cool Cadillac Cat

I have to admit, I be entertained, yo.

Picture #3, please don't tell me that is a late-70's Chrysler Cordoba spared next to the burned down houses.

Paul Newman.

Loeb is beyond incredible in his smoothness.

I think that may be a final-gen Q45, but I sure as hell hope it isn't.

Rally cross lack trees, and surface which varies much.

Had the driver with the camera not unnecessarily move to the left lane, from the right, there'd have been much less drama.


First, it'd have to pick me up within a 5 minute walk from my front door. Texas is hot, and I can't show up at work like I just got thrown into a swimming pool.

It's "yoots"...

it isn't clear how the bridge will be paid for

Odd, isn't it.

I almost went CP, but that's NP enough, and over-the-top strange enough, the NP angel on my shoulder gave me a dope slap for considering crack.

Someone be on the lookout for Omar...