Garage full of junk

Get a grip. BMW turn signal engineers manage to keep it together. Be more like them. 

Well, he can do what he wants, but that doesn’t mean Tesla can’t do what they want either.

“...which is more than seven times less than its debut price of $78 in November 2021"

Did someone piss in your cheerios again?

It’s the car they* didnt want you** to have.

that gonna hurt later...And this is why I’m not allowed on the internet =)

“Valentine is now facing four criminal charges – including burglary and receiving stolen property, according to the New York Post. He remains at Waukesha Country Jail on $50,000 bond. So far, Valentine is the only suspect who has been caught. The eight others remain on the loose.”

Looks like you’ve pun-ctured my joke XD

They only re-tire if they’ve had a Goodyear. All those Continental flights, all Coop(er)ed up in the wheel well..... 

I’d like to know where the hatred stems from.

need to curb the use of puns, its tire-ing. 

They get early re-tire-ment?

I would almost guarantee theres at least a few ways that limo can dispense Novichok.

My partner and I have been doing this from the back seat without any of that fancy wiz-bang hydraulic suspension for years.

The little one in front.

fucking clown

We had this doohickey on our trucks during my last deployment called a Boomerang, which was meant to detect gunshots and give you an idea of where they were coming from

And low and behold one day it detected gunshots!

Or thought it did. We had our turret gunner take a look in that direction and it was just

Holy shit that’s nuts.

That fluff piece he did on the cyberclunk was a real turning point for me on Cammisa.

If they had actual jobs they would not have time for this Confederate cosplay. I know too many guys like this and this is how I explain it to people:

I’m a pacifist by nature; I fully believe in negotiation and calm discussion to resolve issues.