
Literally just saw this commercial for the first time and thought the same thing.  Your articles are always on point

Yeah, it’s hard to remember things nowadays when something is supposed to do it for you.  Life sucks!!!

Holy cow, you actually had to do something.  What kind of world are we living in!!!

What are you talking about?  I’ve been able to continue watching my movies.  Maybe pay for better a better ISP

I’ve had zero issues and the 4k looks amazing. Maybe people have shitty connections and blame it on Disney.

That’s what I saw too

Is this another track car that will never actually see a track?

I’m from Greensboro, is there a GoFundMe or anything like that for him. Or is News2 doing anything?

I live in Guilford County and just looked up where they live, these ads must pay well, they live in 500k house.

Isn’t this the car Stacy David built?