
@gstar: seriously? THIS GUY never accomplished anything. He has an amazing skill that he put to only self-centered use; couldn't he have used that miniaturization skill to bring portable, hand-cranked air conditioners to feverish babies in the sahara?

@Rabid Penguin: I disagree with your statement "no-one has ever died from being bullied." I'm currently teaching middle school where a girl who had a tough upbringing (which set a poor support foundation) killed herself in response to repeated bullying.

They just don't get it sometimes. It's a kind of drawback to having a very tightly controlled user experience.

@jshoer: did this about fifteen years ago.

@Matt0505: Consider thinking about the time in your life that passed you by while you were too busy looking at a screen to build your 'relationships' in a purely virtualized world with a terrible word-communicated to time-spent ratio.

So... men play so they can get access to the only online place on earth there are more women than men?

Seriously we should all fear the privacy issue — if there is even a single law you disagree with you could become the next generation of political prisoner. Support the municipality. :(

@Frypot: LOL. The reality is you're looking at the wires from slightly below and a little to the side; from that angle it just LOOKS like there's less tension (that was my joke).

@battra92: It is actually hard to make up in saved fuel for the extra cost of buying the car; economically it's tough to compute, but in terms of total carbon cost it's almost impossible.


This is really, really horrible news. His field is unique in creating such high quality models of natural stuff, and I fear there are very few candidates to replace him who could build the same level of fluency he had with fractals.

I just wish someone would breathe life into my six patent ideas :/

What about two simultaneous passers-by?

@imajoebob: Yeah and nobody realizes how insanely reliable the old school switched phone infrastructure is. During the 1989 earthquake it was the only service that went uninterrupted in my area. Just absolutely, insanely reliable.

@se7a7n7: someone tried that with an android app, and i think because of poor coding, there was no synchronization to the accelerometers; you had to find the 'sweet waving period' yourself.

@Settings: cancers of the prostate and testicle are about a million times more common, that's why.

The answer is: a mammogram machine.