
@prupert: the "average american" isn't a real person. it's the lowest common denominator. unfortunately, while AN american is usually a bright, well-educated, politically aware and thoughtful person, AMERICAN PEOPLE as an unled group always descend to equal (the dumbest member of the group) times (the number of the

@bobkoure: Or just use Elmer's spray tack adhesive. It's probably cheaper. Or put a big piece of brightly colored cloth out there that flaps in the wind and scares them off.

i have been wanting to put together a nice touchscreen kitchen pc using my 1st gen carpc parts, but the touch screen is the most cost-prohibitive element of the whole shebang. any ideas where i can get a cheap 7 to 10 inch touchscreen display, even without the case? that's what i'd like to hear

@skier-dude7: congratulations! it takes a while to settle into your first one, and after about six weeks you'll start feeling really rewarded by all your hard work. then, about three months — when your child's humanity and personality start to show — is a crowning, beautiful moment.

@uthor1981: actually, a full, sealed bladder can of gas is especially safe. the most important thing is that it should be very, very full so there is no space for flammable vapors to form.

@iamjames: you should factor in a plan to cycle the gas out of the can and through the car once every six months or so. then you'll never be caught with poor quality or unusable fuel.

@skier-dude7: LOL currently there is room for one other adult because the two back seats are used for a toddler seat and an infant seat base.

@mchtchariand: i forgot extra blankets, a couple bibs, a clean sealed bottle, bottle warmer (reversible peltier effect type)

I have a full complement of geek wares in my car, but here are the actual important items i keep:

at least erowid is firewalled from hooters. i work for a california school district and i can learn anything and everything about drugs there...

@TuckersRock: you did it. just do what you did there — think about the article, respond in a way that combines what we share (this article) with your own personal knowledge (in this case, the question you asked yourself about what to write and why in the first place), and be yourself (use your own voice intelligibly).

Not to be confused with autobaHn

This has been possible for years, literally decades. In Doom, you could sneak right through map 3 and experience the same thing; in fact you could do it with your WADs if you used NWT and opened a formerly closed sector.

This is absolutely fantastic in a deeply noble way that, because they're so rich they won't even feel it*, is all-positive.

yeah the problem is americans are too far from starvation.

This reminds me that the root security flaw in the original iPhone that couldn't be remedied.

@Tycho Vhargon: If you did, then that purchase would be, technically, an experience. :P

Such a funny, fat ass waste of electricity running a high-speed conveyance unnecessarily

This kind of 'research' is a great way to end the meth epidemic (by eliminating the end-users)

OMG it's the opening backdrop from Rygar!