
@Pininfarina: yeah but it's remarkably fractal-shaped cancer with good roughness..

@cc: not good enough?

@TheUltra: actually it was a matter of coordination. lots of big ideas, like breaking german crypto by using aircraft to seed areas with mines then expect the german 'minen' in the following german orders. they were well-coordinated from here to there and everyone just kept getting their mail / grams.

How long before the swelling goes down?

@Xeraphim: ARGH... "The Internet" is not a TV channel. Kids these days don't even realize their devices aren't just 'receiving' something but are rather A CONNECTED PART of it. Your device is on the Internet? That means it is a part of the Internet, complete with its own numerical address unique to itself and

No "Tits and Boobies" only because Bill can't get any without buying it?

Soooo... no tits and boobies just because Bill can't seem to get any?

@Americanitis: Well said. I have the same problem with Apple stuff — beautiful, easy to use, with mediocre performance but such simplicity in use it's almost worth the mediocrity. But what's not acceptable to me is that they lock down the experience, entirely preventing you from realizing the phone's full potential.

@Jesse Scroggins: You don't know anything about the terrain or its surroundings, though; we have two big wind farms within about an hour's drive and because one is at the top of a bunch of parallel hillcrests they're lined up almost bulk-like; the other one is on a sorta-sloping, sorta-level area with rocky cliffs on

@LowPressureTurbo: Yeah and it looks like you'd need a Hook and Ladder certification to drive it anyway.

@Americanitis: that's right; att SHOULD be paying you, or AT LEAST they should give you the microcell (rather, lease it to you at no cost). seriously i can't believe how much crap americans will buy; there's no longer any question of whether you need it, or want it, or even can come up with a good use for it. if

@Amanda Ross: and their own bit of frequency spectrum to use?

@Future Retro: Why? If your job isn't threatened by it, then it's just a snafu. "Whatever; I'm still getting my paycheck," is a better attitude.

@Americanitis: This is why we switched to Tmob. AT&T service was appreciably less reliable than the money we paid for it every month.

@TheFamous1: You won't get enough lithium for a battery out of a human body.

@Andy Mesa: "...all trying to use the same spectrum; simply encrypting yours..." Your point is factually correct but needs a semicolon.

Nothing. The answer is you learn nothing because the photos are taken in broad daylight.

@Adam Smith: I was excited when you wrote about the Invisible Hand.

I'm not one to enjoy gated shifters, myself; I find they slow down my shifts and I wear them out unevenly.

@Prairie Moon: Wow after a re-read I acknowledge I sounded like a prick; I went for too much funny and not enough helpful or friendly. :/