
You should probably stop using that distributer. Kegs (unless otherwise specified) should always be kept at 33-36* F.

Considering how many people go to atlanta for those events, the local business' should chime in and make it understood that those people bring money into the city. Lord knows that drifting during daylight hours is so much more terrible than those baseball games that go until 1am with fireworks while old people try to

Tap, always.

You don't NEED something more powerful, you just want something more powerful.

They need to put these on shopping carts and anything else that uses casters with solid rubber/plastic wheels.

bunny hopping pro

Yes, instead of betting against one person and having low odds (ideally you should only be playing black jack if you're worried about odds) you get to bet against 3-5 other people and have even worse odds.

What about a piece of paper and a pencil?

My girlfriend hates high fives...

Keep your phone for more than a year maybe?

I wanna get some of those poop rubberizers and slip them into unsuspecting people's food..

He made it to fit his finger.. So I don't think it's for a lady.

I ride my bike to the store and use my messenger bag to hold groceries ( I don't have a rack or anything on the bike). They're fine with it. I'll occasionally get them to wrap something in a paper bag just to give it some added protection, but otherwise, I've never had an issue.

Definitely don't want to use it for fertilizer, the animal fat will destroy your plants faster than you can say NOOOOOO!!!!!

Quantity/Ease > Quality?

Coming from someone who worked in a restaurant that sold sushi, I can at least say that we never did this.

The interior is lacking in headroom as well. I can't wear a helmet in there without having to tilt my head.

A 15 second quarter mile isn't that bad for a fwd v6 from the mid 2000's.

There's plenty of softcore porn out there that's written by women for women... :)

That looks like a ton of fun!