
It's burger king bacon... that should tell you all you need to know.

Most wine that's worth drinking is at least a year old. We won't notice the price increase until the next vintage.

46'' panasonic, the screen puts out a TON of heat after 30 minutes or longer.

The entire length of tube needs to be under vacuum though, you can't get out of it if the whole thing is under vacuum without breaking that seal.

Wouldn't you only be able to send one capsule at a time? Since the tunnel is under a vacuum (which gives it the great speed) once a capsule gets to the destination it must be removed from the tube, which would remove the vacuum, and slow down any oncoming projectiles immediately. Then you would have to reapply

It can also be pretty scary to pop off a panel and just see a mess of wires. Once you get in there though, everything becomes clear and the fear fades.

I mountain bike, does that count?

I've been wondering what the standby power usage is, I'm glad you posted this. Now I'm confident in leaving it on standby instead of flipping the switch in the back.

My plasma does a much better job.

I was expecting to disagree with everything, but I'm surprised. I will say that doing electrical stuff yourself can be a pain, but once you get in once or twice, your fear goes away and it's really not that difficult.

No, you do not need a case, unless you are a poser.

wtf messenger bags have handles?

My favorite one

Where the hell is the volvo content?

Superstitions are for fools. It's just another day.

It's not difficult by any stretch of the imagination. If you can follow instructions you can save yourself hundreds of dollars by doing it yourself, AND you will actually know what's inside the box so when it comes time to upgrade you will know what will and wont work.

That's the only one. All the rest are at least 25k or more.

You can easily build a 500 dollar rig that will let you game...

They get crafty, those newt gingrich 15 minute ads put the "learn more" buttons right over the "skip this bullshit" buttons.. I got caught a few times hitting those.

This list is like, worst first car for rich kids. Almost all of these options are far out of the price range of any first time driver.