I guess it would be ok for twigs and really really soft timber, but you're not going to be building shelter with this thing.
I guess it would be ok for twigs and really really soft timber, but you're not going to be building shelter with this thing.
People don't want to pay 6 dollars for a tiny drink, they want to pay 12 for the big one.
Isn't part of the power of an axe the momentum created by the heavy head? That's why they sell sledges in lbs not thickness'.
It should also be noted that typically, a martini glass it not filled to the brim, which is generally why most places serve in 6-10oz glasses, to leave a bit of room for the sloshing of the worlds most poorly designed drinking vessel.
The recipes that most bartenders will use when pouring into the mixing tin take into account the dilution from shaking. So if you asked me to give you a martini stirred, I would pour in the same amount of ingredients I would have had I been shaking it, you get the same out, it's just less dilute, less cold, and less…
If you're drinking at home, you're better off shaking to get a better tasting drink. You don't lose any alcohol, you just increase the dilution. One martini made with 6oz vodka and shaken poured into a 10oz glass will get you the same drunk as one made with 6oz of vodka stirred.
Your boyfriend is an idiot. No offense, but to not like blow jobs?! HOW DAT POSSIBLE?
It's Alabama region and Atlanta region SCCA's labor day race, there's not much info out now as we're still in the planning stages. We've made the deposit and signed the contract, sups are being written.
Or you could actually pop them off so they fling up in the air in a steep arc, and then catch them like a bad ass.
Tear inducing greatness. This man deserves an internet and a beer.
Come to the SCCA double rational this year, there's bound to be plenty of ground pounders in the field. They shake the tower as they drive by, it's pretty impressive. (labor day weekend)
It's a lot easier at BMP because almost every turn is just the arc of a perfect circle. Constant radius set the throttle and lets do it.
Love it. There's one that was a let's play, and it was like, 10 seconds. Guy's like, alright well we're gonna play this new game amnesia - then you hear the scary sound - fuck that /quits
If I made too much, I'll portion one for lunch/dinner the next day, and throw the rest in the freezer for a later date (usually the next week when I'm not burnt out on whatever it was I made).
Honing =\= sharpening
Big pincers, itty bitty venom sac... Not scurred.
What's so bad about this again?
It's not local frozen, it's the big farms, but it's fresh picked and frozen.
It's a video of the car doing an autocross course...