
Wherever they live, I want to go to there. This cannot end soon enough.

I bet you are insufferable IRL.

I don’t feel bad for him. Just don’t put shit on the internet if it could cause you to lose your job. That guy chose to send that message to a stranger.

I have been wondering lately why we (women) haven’t banded together as a cohesive group and sought our equality/vengeance worldwide. All sorts of groups identify with each other and create armies and fight for one another, but women haven’t, as far as I know. Honestly, I think women should be gunning down these

Illegal, but not comparable to the evilness of leaving a dog to suffer. Which is probably why they made the AC story up in the first place.

I would say don’t offer up remarks on appearances. That gives the impression that women exist as objects for public consumption, automatically subjugating them to men.