
I’m just glad they didn’t put them down their pants for the purposes of gambling . I’d hate to see S.H.I.E.L.D do anything illegal.

White people already have the right to say the n-word. What they want is the right to be free of any consequences from saying the n-word.

To celebrate Morrisey Day, every Angeleno will be skipping work tomorrow.

How am I going to see Emma Stone naked if they don’t go with Samurai World?

The casting director got “Heisenberg” confused with Eisenberg.

Yes - thank heavens the Internet killed off baseless rumormongering.

You know, me have read lot of complains in past year about “mission drift” at A.V. Club, how site writing about politics and food (and yet rarely cookies! What up with that, A.V. Club?), but one thing me have always loved about site is that there always room for something this personal and heartfelt, regardless of

I’ve been begging for 4 days, can somebody ungrey me?


Kids today.