“Loplop” Basically a three-hander between Donovan, Dunst and Plemons may have been the hardest I’ve laughed at an episode of television, ever.
“Loplop” Basically a three-hander between Donovan, Dunst and Plemons may have been the hardest I’ve laughed at an episode of television, ever.
There have been quite a few promos run during Justified: City Primeval.
My biggest fear has always been a brain disease, like glioblastoma. This might be worse, because you’re fully aware of what’s happening to you.
The arc of the moral universe is long but it always bends towards rich people.
Well, the man literally fucked around and found out.
Showing my age a bit, but one of SCTV’s best bits was their parody Days of the Week.
There was absolutely no logical reason for either the character or the show to work as well as they did. Well, maybe two: The genius of Paul Reubens and the show’s writers. R.I.P Pee Wee. May you never lose your bike in the afterlife.
Funny how Margot Robbie thought her “Fuck You” money role was going to be Harley Quinn and it turns out to be Barbie.
Totchos FTW.
But if he were like that, then the question would be, why didn’t Sweetie off him the second he threatened to drop a dime?
The biggest laugh in our theater was Helen Mirren's line after Stereotypical Barbie complained she wasn't pretty enough for SB, "Note to filmmakers: If you really wanted to make that point, you shouldn't have cast Margot Robbie"
Might be the last hurrah for a while if the strikes don’t get settled.
As I said on another forum, if this doesn’t drive a stake in the heart of the “Go Woke, Go Broke” narrative, nothing will.
This Minnesotan laughs at Iowa that it took until 2023 for the debut of the Banh Mi.
Poll any movie studio which Asian country they’re going to try to suck up to, and China’s going to come in at around 100%
To be fair Barbie's marketing campaign is the best I've seen since Deadpool.
Also, just maybe, no studio goes on an unending winning streak. Their 2014-19 was insane.
Killed in 'Nam... by his own troops.
The “Rabbit Hole” device Fury used to escape Bucky in Winter Soldier was invented by Fitz.
Thanks to him I never get out of the boat. R.I.P.