
We will all be actually dead if it is Tom Hanks.

“The closeted perv has never come out as gay”

Because he very well may not be; being a child predator /= gay. Abusive sex is about power, not identity.

I feel bad that OBJ was dragged into all of Lena Dunham’s unnecessary drama. He really seems like a sweet dude who just wants to live his life and enjoy his Instagram.

I was 15 and I thought her style was the COOLEST

i only care about ryan cabrera if he’s appearing on ashlee simpson’s realty show

he’s like the cicadas. he has to come back every 17 years to haunt us for the summer and then he dies off again.

I feel like these two together makes perfect sense. They are of the same vintage. And he is her type: musician/tool (see also: that guy from Nickelback she married).

I remember when Ryan Cabrera was dating Ashlee “living in the shadow of someone else’s DREAM!” Simpson


What year is it??? I forgot Ryan Cabrera existed

So wait, this isn’t real? Because it’s so believable it never occurred to me this could be fake, it’s actually “tame” for the Cheeto.

Mine would be a 6 page spread in People where Sebastian Stan and I show off our 15 dogs, all adopted from shelters. Our love is totally real and not at all a thing that exists only in my head.

That’s beautiful.

Prince Harry marrying Kerry Washington despite Barack Obama being concerned about their dangerous boat wedding.

Justin Theroux falls for mid 30s Midwestern Marketing Manager “I didn’t see it coming either!”

Harry Styles: Secret Love Affair with Pudgy, 30-year-old, Invisalign-Wearing Nonprofit Employee? See the exclusive steamy pics!

Angelina and Jen: We’re in love. And having a baby.

also the editing was...questionable? especially towards the end. it felt like they cut like a full 25 minutes from it